Related VF: VirF
Target: VirF
Drug effect: Inhibits transcriptional activator.
Max phase: Preclinical (in vitro)
Publications: Hurt JK, et al., 2010. High-throughput screening of the virulence regulator VirF: a novel antibacterial target for shigellosis. J Biomol Screen 15(4):379-87. Emanuele AA, et al., 2014. Potential novel antibiotics from HTS targeting the virulence-regulating transcription factor, VirF, from Shigella flexneri. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 67(5):379-86. Emanuele AA, et al., 2015. Mechanism of Action and Initial, In Vitro SAR of an Inhibitor of the Shigella flexneri Virulence Regulator VirF. PLoS One 10(9):e0137410.