
Compound category: Phenols
(total 20 related compounds in database, current show from 1 to 10)
Compound name 2D structure Target pathogen(s) Related VF/VFcategory Max phase Reference(s)
Dephostatin Depiction based on curated SMILES CH 3 N OH HO N O Salmonella PmrAB; SsrAB Preclinical (in vivo) Tsai CN, et al. 2020. Cell Chem Biol
4-Hydroxy-3-nitrophenylacetic acid Depiction based on curated SMILES O OH + N O _ O OH Yersinia TTSS secreted effectors Preclinical (in vivo) Liang F, et al. 2003. J Biol Chem
3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzhydrazide Depiction based on curated SMILES OH HO HO O N H NH 2 Acinetobacter Biofilm Preclinical (in vitro) Sambanthamoorthy K, et al. 2015. Bioorg Med Chem Lett
Capsaicin Depiction based on curated SMILES HN CH 3 O OH H 3 C O CH 3 Clostridium Collagenase Preclinical (in vitro) Nitulescu G, et al. 2022. Life (Basel)
Etamivan Depiction based on curated SMILES H 3 C N CH 3 O HO O H 3 C Coxiella
Dot/Icm T4SS
Dot/Icm (Defect in organella trafficking/intracellular multiplication)
Preclinical (in vitro)
Preclinical (in vitro)
Cheng E, et al. 2022. mBio
Eugenol Depiction based on curated SMILES CH 3 O CH 2 OH Campylobacter
Preclinical (in vitro)
Preclinical (in vitro)
Ammar AM, et al. 2020. Animals (Basel)
Miladi H, et al. 2017. Microb Pathog
Urushiol Depiction based on curated SMILES H 3 C OH OH OH OH H 2 C HO HO H 3 C OH OH CH 3 OH OH H 3 C Enterococcus Biofilm Preclinical (in vitro) Kim SW, et al. 2017. Restor Dent Endod
4-Bromo-2-{[(pyridin-3-ylmethyl)imino]methyl}phenol Depiction based on curated SMILES N N OH Br Escherichia TTSS (Type III secretion system) Preclinical (in vitro) Gauthier A, et al. 2005. Antimicrob Agents Chemother
N-[[(E)-(3,5-dichloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)methylideneamino]carbamothioyl]-2,2-dimethylpropanamide Depiction based on curated SMILES N OH Cl Cl CH 3 NH S N H O H 3 C H 3 C Escherichia TTSS (Type III secretion system) Preclinical (in vitro) Gauthier A, et al. 2005. Antimicrob Agents Chemother
Tyrphostin 51 Depiction based on curated SMILES NH 2 N N N OH OH OH Francisella
Acid phosphatase
Preclinical (in vitro)
Preclinical (in vitro)
Fernández-Soto P, et al. 2021. Sci Rep

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