
Compound category: Indoles
(total 74 related compounds in database, current show from 1 to 10)
Compound name 2D structure Target pathogen(s) Related VF/VFcategory Max phase Reference(s)
7-hydroxyindole Depiction based on curated SMILES OH N H Pseudomonas Biofilm Preclinical (in vivo) Lee J, et al. 2009. Microb Biotechnol
Indole Depiction based on curated SMILES N H Pseudomonas Biofilm Preclinical (in vivo) Lee J, et al. 2009. Microb Biotechnol
Compound 8
(internal name in literature)
Depiction based on curated SMILES HO O CH 3 N Vibrio TCP (Toxin-coregulated pilus) Preclinical (in vivo) Woodbrey AK, et al. 2018. Biochemistry
Norharmane Depiction based on curated SMILES N H N Escherichia
Preclinical (in vivo)
Preclinical (in vitro)
Lee JH, et al. 2017. Phytomedicine
(internal name in literature)
Depiction based on curated SMILES Se O N H HN Staphylococcus β-hemolysin Preclinical (in vivo) Rao L, et al. 2021. Front Microbiol; Rao L, et al. 2022. Front Cell Infect Microbiol
5-Bromo-2-(pyridin-4-yl)-1H-indole Depiction based on curated SMILES Br N H N Acinetobacter Biofilm Preclinical (in vitro) Na SH, et al. 2021. J Microbiol
3-Indoleacrylic acid Depiction based on curated SMILES N H O HO Burkholderia Quorum-sensing Preclinical (in vitro) Christensen QH, et al. 2013. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
3-[(3-methoxyphenyl)(4-methylpiperazinyl)methyl]-2-phenylindol-1-ol Depiction based on curated SMILES OH N H 3 C CH 3 O N N Burkholderia Quorum-sensing Preclinical (in vitro) Christensen QH, et al. 2013. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
1-hydroxy-3-[(4-methoxyphenyl)-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)methyl]-2-phenylindole Depiction based on curated SMILES OH N H 3 C CH 3 O N N Burkholderia Quorum-sensing Preclinical (in vitro) Christensen QH, et al. 2013. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
1-hydroxy-3-[(4-methylphenyl)-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)methyl]-2-phenylindole Depiction based on curated SMILES OH CH 3 N N H 3 C N Burkholderia Quorum-sensing Preclinical (in vitro) Christensen QH, et al. 2013. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

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