
Compound category: Fatty acids and conjugates
(total 6 related compounds in database)
Compound name 2D structure Target pathogen(s) Related VF/VFcategory Max phase Reference(s)
2-Hexyldecanoic acid Depiction based on curated SMILES OH O H 3 C CH 3 Aeromonas Aerolysin Preclinical (in vitro) Arumugam M, et al. 2023. Antibiotics (Basel)
Undecylenic acid Depiction based on curated SMILES CH 2 O HO Bacillus
Quorum sensing
Preclinical (in vitro)
Preclinical (in vitro)
Fernandes S, et al. 2023. Food Res Int
Guadinomic acid Depiction based on curated SMILES OH HO O H NH 2 NH 2 O N N H Escherichia TTSS (Type III secretion system) Preclinical (in vitro) Iwatsuki M, et al. 2008. J Antibiot (Tokyo)
Ambuic acid Depiction based on curated SMILES OH OH OH O CH 3 O O H 3 C H H Listeria Biofilm Preclinical (in vitro) Todd DA, et al. 2017. Antimicrob Agents Chemother
Mupirocin Depiction based on curated SMILES O O O HO H 3 C H H 3 C OH H H H O H H 3 C O H H H HO OH Staphylococcus α-hemolysin Preclinical (in vitro) Jin Y, et al. 2018. Front Microbiol
(E)-2-hydroxy-5-(5-(3-((1-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl)amino)-3-oxoprop-1-en-1-yl)furan-2-yl)benzoic acid Depiction based on curated SMILES _ O N CH 3 CH 3 O HO OH O H 3 C O N H CH 3 Yersinia TTSS secreted effectors Preclinical (in vitro) Leone M, et al. 2010. Chem Biol Drug Des

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